CoMotion is the ultimate destination for the most original and forward-thinking minds in the motion graphics industry. As an annual student-led conference held at the Savannah College of Art and Design, we attract participation from over 40 leading companies who are looking for fresh perspectives and bold new ideas.
Logo Design and Animation:
Marly Koven and Desmond Du
Title Card Designs

Alternative Technique Motion
Design by Punasa (Bee) Sihsobhon
Animated by Harshitha Suresh

Brand ID Motion
Design by Punasa (Bee) Sihsobhon
Animated by Cathy Lin

Demo Reel Motion
Design by Punasa (Bee) Sihsobhon
Animated by Meg Aki

Best Sound Integration
Design by Punasa (Bee) Sihsobhon
Animated by Meg Aki
Print Deliverables

Co-design with Sophia D'avella
Creative Director: Aanvik Singh
Art Director: Marly Koven
Producers: Rachel Golla, Alexis Dow
Lead Animator: Desmond Du
Lead 3D Animator: Stephen Mok
Animators: Harshitha Suresh, Kyle Switzer, Isabelle K Winarto, Kaleb Sweeney, Cathy Lin, Meg Aki, Erica Kim, J.C. Petrofsky
Lead Designer: Tiffany Lo
Designers: Antara Ghosh, Jessica Liou, Alexis Wang, Tiffany Tedy, Peter Wang, Xinxun Liao, Yining Li
Lead Graphic Designer: Josie Glassman
Graphic Designers: Punasa (Bee) Sihsobhon, Meghna Shourie, Nicole Lin, Claire Lin, Sophia D’Alleva, Stephanie Sandoval
Lead Experiential: Samantha Woods
Experiential: Juan Pablo Silhy, Alyssa Mackersie,
Meghan Romance
Web Developers: Amadeus Cameron, Isabelle Duffner
Composer: Miguel Concha
Lead Documentation: Libby Nett
Documentation: Caitlin Crooker, Savitri Trivedi
MOMELove: Alexandera Marca, Cora Keene, Shivani Varandani, Lauren Neu, Fatema Sultan, Claire Lin, Peter Wang, Samantha Woods, Tucker Ziegler, Maria Chiuz, Harshitha Suresh
Special Thanks - SCAD Motion Media: Kelly Carlton, Duff Yong, Dominique Elliot, John Colette, Michael Betancourt, Minho Shin, James Gladman, Brandon Sugiyama, Walter Woods,
Christina Maloney, Matt Van Rys, Alessandro Imperato
Process Video
Documented and created by Libby Nett, Caitlin Crooker, and Savitri Trivedi